child policy
We love children, but unfortunately some of the kitties might not. Plus, this is not a zoo, it is an interactive space where the kitties can run, play, jump and just be incredibly active. So, due to legal and insurance issues: -
No child under the age of 5 years old is permitted in the cat lounge. This includes infants and any other person aged between birth and midnight the day before their fifth birthday. There will be no exceptions.
Children between the age of 5 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult. There must be at least one adult for every 2 children in this age bracket.
Many Cat Cafes around the world do not permit any child to visit with the cats. We don’t want it to come to that here. So, we need the help of parents to continue to allow children over the age of five to be permitted in the lounge.
Actively Supervise Your Child
Active supervision means watching your children to make sure they are interacting with the cats appropriately. It hasn’t happened too much but there have definitely been instances where, once sitting down, parents have got their phones out to text or make calls and become oblivious to what their children are doing. The lounge attendant is not a babysitter.
Help Your Child Maintain A Calm Environment
Our house rules are devised to keep the atmosphere in the cat lounge calm and relaxed. It’s not a natural environment for a large group of kitties to coexist with each other and the rules keep stress levels down so the kitties can thrive. Peace and quiet is also what guests have come to expect. If your child would not be happy in this kind of environment, please wait till they can before bringing them. That way, everyone - whether two-legged and four-legged - can enjoy their time at Catelowna.
Prepare Your Children to Listen to Directions
We understand that children have minds of their own and when you are watching them, sometimes, they will do things that you don’t want them to do. Please make sure they are willing and able to comply with directions given to them by staff. This is for their safety as well as the safety and well-being of the animals.
Our Decision is Final
If staff members feel that the actions of individual children may not contribute to the calm and relaxed environment we seek to maintain in the cat lounge, we will educate them on the need for this. If they cannot agree to do this, then we will not authorize admission into the cat lounge. If children enter the cat lounge and do not act in a way consistent to the environment we wish to maintain, we will inform them, and you, of this. Continuation of problematic behaviour will mean the child must leave. The decision by staff is final. No refunds will be given if children are required to leave due to their behaviour.